Any insight into why I may be having this problem, and how I may be able to solve it, would be very much appreciated. I realize that similar questions have been asked before on here, but none actually give a solution that works for my problem. I was able to convert the audio into the video files in VLC too, so I don't know why I can't do the same in the windows default editor. I don't know why this error came up either, but maybe it's because the file is corrupted? This wouldn't make sense to me though because I'm able to play it fine (all file types) in the windows default player, VLC, and Audacity. I also tried exporting the video file again using the default video editor on Windows (the only video editor I have), but I couldn't upload either the audio file (not an option to choose as an import file type) or the video files I created (gave error: "these files have properties that can't be read". re-uploading the same file after the processing failed to try and restart the process.verifying my youtube account and enabling the verification feature eligibility settings in the youtube creator studio to allow uploads longer than 15 minutes.

Step 3: As soon as the conversion is finished you. Step 1: For converting YouTube video to audio online, firstly, visit Step 2: Copy the YouTube video URL into the box, choose a format (pick MP3 to convert YouTube video to MP3 audio) and click the convert button. mp3 using various online conversion tools, then converting from. Convert YouTube Video to Audio with Online YouTube Converter. MOV using various online conversion tools and uploading the.
mp4 using various online conversion tools and uploading the. I have tried all the methods that I could find mentioned online, and every time I still get the exact same error. m4a, and I am trying to convert it into a video file to upload to YouTube.

I keep getting the error: "processing abandoned, this video could not be processed" whenever I try to upload a 107 minute video of an audio recording (just myself rambling thoughts into a microphone the entire time, just a black screen for video).